ArchMark 0.32
Driver: RADEON 9800 Pro x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2 v1.5.4707 Win2000 Release
Resolution: 1024x768 @ 61.47Hz
Flushing commands, no buffer swaps
2.005 GHz timer speed (should match your CPU clock)
- 32 bits
- Mode: RGBA8888 Z24 S8
- 2.650 GPix/s color only
- 2.634 GPix/s z only
- 2.093 GPix/s color and z
- 2.085 GPix/s z tested (pass), color and z
- 2.935 GPix/s discardable by LEQUAL depth test
- 2.932 GPix/s discardable by GEQUAL depth test
- 2.935 GPix/s discardable by EQUAL depth test
- 2.623 GPix/s stencil writes
- 2.630 GPix/s discardable by EQUAL stencil test
- stencil test passed
- 2.628 GPix/s pure stencil updates
- 2.620 GPix/s z fail (LEQUAL), stencil update
- z test passed (LEQUAL)
- 2.624 GPix/s stencil update
- 2.639 GPix/s stencil update, z update
- 2.584 GPix/s color replace
- 2.093 GPix/s z update, color replace
- 2.088 GPix/s stencil update, color replace
- 2.089 GPix/s stencil update, z update, color replace
- 16 bits
- Mode: RGBA5650 Z16 S0
- 2.907 GPix/s color only
- 2.571 GPix/s z only
- 2.232 GPix/s color and z
- 2.234 GPix/s z tested (pass), color and z
- 45.101 GPix/s discardable by LEQUAL depth test
- 2.987 GPix/s discardable by GEQUAL depth test
- 2.992 GPix/s discardable by EQUAL depth test
Mode: RGBA8888 Z24 S8
- available to buffer clears
- 20.318 GB/s all buffers
- 10.568 GB/s color only
- 133.193 GB/s depth and stencil
- 99.666 GB/s depth only
- 2.589 GB/s stencil only
- 20.989 GB/s worst case draw bandwidth
- 192.055 MB/s burned by the RAMDAC
- 21.181 GB/s estimated physical bandwidth
Mode: RGBA5650 Z16 S0
- Plain vertices
- 147.831 MTris/s as triangle fan
- 51.360 MTris/s as triangle list
- 5.245 MTris/s clipped
- Vertex shading speed
- 39.183 MTris/s lit (one directional light)
- 15.809 MTris/s lit (one point light)
- 7.268 MTris/s lit (eight point lights)
Mode: RGBA5650 Z16 S0
- Textured fillrate
- Bilinear filter
- 2.907 GPix/s w 1 layers
- 1.484 GPix/s w 2 layers
- 995.221 MPix/s w 3 layers
- 748.226 MPix/s w 4 layers
- 598.207 MPix/s w 5 layers
- 499.560 MPix/s w 6 layers
- 425.275 MPix/s w 7 layers
- 371.469 MPix/s w 8 layers
- Trilinear filter
- 1.475 GPix/s w 1 layers
- 743.342 MPix/s w 2 layers
- 496.157 MPix/s w 3 layers
- 372.225 MPix/s w 4 layers
- 298.523 MPix/s w 5 layers
- 248.834 MPix/s w 6 layers
- 213.082 MPix/s w 7 layers
- 186.836 MPix/s w 8 layers
Texture cache
Mode: RGBA8888 Z24 S8
- 16.384 kB using RGBA textures
- 16.384 kB using DXT1 textures
- 8.192 kB using DXT5 textures
Mode: RGBA8888 Z24 S8
- preferred block alignment
- updating all buffers
- 4 pixels wide
- 4 pixels high
- in color buffer
- 4 pixels wide
- 4 pixels high
- in depth buffer
- 2 pixels wide
- 2 pixels high
- in stencil buffer
- 2 pixels wide
- 2 pixels high
Mode: RGBA8888 Z24 S8
- Whole buffer
- 30.015 MPix/s of RGBA8888 colors
- 29.667 MPix/s of BGRA8888 colors
- 30.810 MPix/s of RGB888 colors
- 30.434 MPix/s of BGR888 colors
- 30.674 MPix/s of depth data (unsigned integer)
- 30.307 MPix/s of depth data (float)
- 1.839 MPix/s of stencil
- 64x64 region
- 24.737 MPix/s as RGBA8888
- 24.911 MPix/s as BGRA8888
- 25.011 MPix/s as RGB888
- 25.293 MPix/s as BGR888
- 24.767 MPix/s of depth data (unsigned integer)
- 24.055 MPix/s of depth data (float)
- 1.815 MPix/s of stencil